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 Check out this space, for stories from our lovely ladies as they share their story and experience on their empowering journey to staying Fit 4 Life. 


Nadia Ahmed. #Fit4Life












Name: Nadia Ahmed

Nationality: Iraq/Suomi

1.How/where did you hear of Monaliiku's Fit4Life program?

Through a friend

2. Why did you join the Fit4Life program?

To stay active and fit, meet new people and do more sports

3.How long have you been with the program?

I joined in the summer of 2015, so 1 year.

4.Have you seen any changes/improvements?

Yes, I have grown and developed in my own lifestyle and I'm more active and healthier.

5.Do you enjoy your time/activities with Fit4Life?

Yes, I enjoy all the sport activities, the health discussion and all.

6. Do you have any wishes or ideas to help us improve?

More focus on sport activities and regularly not just once in a week.

7. Are such programs like Fit4life important for women?

Absolutely, Fit4Life changed my life and such programs help in integration.

8. Are you satisfied and would you recommend Fit4Life to your friends?

Yes, I'm very satisfied and would recommend it to friends.